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Up Your Study Game

Posted by Michelle Nagy on Oct 14, 2015 10:46:00 AM
Michelle Nagy

Studying Joliet Junior College

1. Find a Study Buddy

Just like hitting the gym, you’re more likely to actually go if you have a buddy pushing you to do it. Find your study P.I.C. and designate a time and place to meet every week – like the library, Starbucks or your house/apartment.

2. Treat Yo Self

Studying can be tedious, so reward yourself for the work you’re doing. Set mini-goals to break up your study sesh. For example, “After I [finish reading this chapter], I’ll [go grab that cookie I’ve been eyeing]. Looking forward to a reward is a great motivator, and it's been proven that regular breaks can boost productivity and improve your ability to focus on a single task.

treat yo self study gif

3. See a Tutor (for free!)

In college you’re not going to breeze your way through every course – and that’s OK! But it’s up to you to know when to wave the white flag and get a little extra help. The Tutoring and Learning Center (C-2010) on Main Campus offers free in-person or online tutoring for more than 300 JJC courses...and did we mention that it's FREE to JJC students?

4. Play to Your Strengths

Not everyone learns the same way, just like not everyone could agree on the color of that dress…(team blue, all the way). College is a great time to learn what works best for you. Does it help you to take notes on your computer, or hand write them? Do you study best at night, or in the morning with a cup of coffee? Don't be afraid to experiment a little, and once you figure out a system, stick with it.

JJC study meme


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